Faculty of Science

Active Commuting Study

This project investigated UWA staff and student commuting behaviour and potential for change.

Active transport (or active commuting) relates to physical activity undertaken as a means of transport and includes walking, cycling and other non-motorised vehicles. It also includes public transport use because this usually involves walking or cycling at the beginning or end of the journey.

Encouraging active commuting has the potential to not only improve individual health, but to reduce automobile dependency, and thus meet broader community objectives for a healthier, greener and safer environment.

The 2010 Active Commuting project replicates a Healthway-funded 2003 survey that explored the potential for UWA to use environmental and policy initiatives to increase active transportation for both staff and students.

It is anticipated that UWA will increase its population to more than 26,000 students and 4400 staff over the next 10 years. This will place increased pressure on parking and traffic within and near the University. It is important that these increases are planned for and alternative modes of travelling to UWA, aside from single occupant vehicle, are encouraged.

This project aimed to determine how staff and students travel to UWA, how these results compare with 2003, and gain insight into what influences choice of travel mode to UWA. Data were collected to inform the UWA Transport Planning Program.

The 2010 results

Volume I: Executive Summary

Volume II: Results of the Staff Survey

Volume III: Results of the Student Survey

The 2010 report series build upon previous work conducted by the School of Population Health, this includes:

  • an audit of UWA facilities (2002)
  • a survey of UWA staff and students habits and potential for change (2003)
  • focus groups with UWA staff and students exploring attitudes and behaviors in relation to active commuting (2004).
